How to Run HOA Meetings in Dunedin, Florida

How to Run HOA Meetings in Dunedin, Florida

If a person lives in a condo, townhouse, or other related property, chances are high that these properties are run by a homeowner's association (HOA). This is a governing body that makes important decisions for the betterment of this residential community.

HOA members pay a median price of $600 in fees. People that buy membership into the HOA have a need and right to know how their fees are being handled, and what the HOA is doing for the property.

One of the best ways to keep engagement and transparency is to make sure that your HOA meetings are run effectively. Use these tips so that you can get the most out of each and every meeting.

Keep Track of Time and Discussion

Time waste is the last thing that you want at any HOA board meeting. Many HOA members have families, busy work lives, and other engagements that demand huge sums of their time.

They will all appreciate it if the meeting is run with time in mind so that the subjects flow and progress is made. A big part of this is simply directing the flow of conversation between board members. Strictly enforce that one person speaks at a time and that they stay on topic.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, observe a strict time limit for speakers. Always leave contact information or other forums that will allow all parties to speak more at length about important things outside of the meeting agenda.

Let the HOA Manager Set the Tone

When an HOA manager is appointed, you'll get more out of their expertise by allowing them to use it. An HOA property manager is someone who is skilled and capable of addressing all sorts of relevant issues.

The HOA board handles pressing issues like:

  • Decisions related to siding, building materials, and other structural changes
  • The upkeep of the lawn and grounds
  • Implementing new amenities that everyone can take advantage of
  • Coming up with and sticking to a budget
  • Setting and enforcing rules for members

These details are too much for any lone board member to tackle. A capable community association management pro can delegate tasks, set up committees, and use other approaches to streamline progress.

Bring Documents and Presentations

Always make sure that your meetings are handled in a businesslike manner. This means backing all points with facts, documents, and studies.

Keep tabs on all documents from HOA transactions, and use presentations to drive home projections and other key points. Use technology to your advantage by also broadcasting meetings so that people can attend remotely.

This will get you more traction with your presentations and can build engagement. Everyone, from property owner to resident, benefits when the community is run in a way that keeps up with the times.

Get the Most of Your HOA Meetings

These details will help you take your HOA meetings to the next level, much to the delight of your members. Your entire association will improve when you take this sort of approach to your meetings.

PMI Palms offers tools and resources that you can use to get the most out of the way your HOA is run. For questions or to take advantage of our services, contact us online or by calling 727-512-6993.
